
Bonus post today! This weekend's chapter will be a doozy, and I can hardly wait for y'all to see it. ^.^


I've been on fire the last week. (Thank you, Lord.) 8.3k words and 3 more chapters finished. Well, their 1st draft anyways. If I get too far ahead I may start releasing chapters more frequently. But that is a consideration for future Karen. Tonight Karen is regrettably awake and needs to sleep in like 10 minutes.
          Goodnight, lovelies. I hope you have a great and productive weekend. o/


I think I have the plot all rehashed for Being a Hero. Going to republish the parts in their new order over the next few weeks--to give myself time to re-read them a few times and catch all the leftover plot gremlins.


I've been revising/reworking Being a Hero, and the new 1st chapter is up. (This one's completely new as I changed the starting point a bit.) The rest of the chapters (and more) will return once I finish with edits.
          *goes back to hunting plot gremlins*


Thinking about doing a livestream on Twitch in the next week or 2 reading one of my fits and maybe playing with character design with some viewers. What do y'all think?


@krhoades11 sounds awesome, can you @ me too please