Hello. I hope you're doing fine, cause what I'm about to say may or may not ruin your day, but on this day, I'm officially retiring from writing.....
I know that there's story's on here that are not finished, but I just don't have the time or motivation to write them anymore. I'm 22 years old and I have more important things to do in my life that I want to do.
This doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed my time writing and sharing these stories with you. Far from it, I loved all the support I've gotten from everyone who read my stories.
But it's about time to move on from twd. It's time to move on to better things in my life. This does not mean I'm not gonna delete all my stories. You will still be able to read them and enjoy them.
Thank you all. I love all of you. And remember: Don't be sad it's over, be happy it happened.