
@_rippKELLZ  will do:) read my story 'the tara circle' and tell everyone you know to read it:) share it around


you may have seen the update, but as i was saying just a few more chapters of 'the tara circle'. i know it's short, i am working on the length of my chapters. if you enjoyed the story (even though it isn't finished) then don't hesitate  to message, comment, vote (or become a fan if you haven't). also i was having thoughts on entering the story into the watty awards. thoughts? should i. do you think the story will make it through round one. if you would like me to enter the story into the awards then message me please.


@krishnachauhan  So you would like to be a writer? That's cool:) Well obviously to be a writer you have to have a passion for writing. Duh. But raw passion only gets you so far. To really succeed writing has to be something you submerse yourself in. And by that, I don't mean writing every spare second of every day.I mean picking up books, and doing some hardcore reading, i.e. cut the crap. Twilight, The Hunger Games, Fifty Shades and all that other vampirery, romantic b.s. has nothing to offer you. Go in search of books you can learn from. Look for actual literature. Maybe ask an English teacher for suggestions?   It's the classics that will teach you all you need to know about writing.