
Hi all, 
          	Gonna just tease my upcoming project with this playlist: 
          	You’ll get no other hints from me, but my take on World War 1 was a fun place to explore, wasn’t it? 
          	Take care, 


Is there any place/way to read 14-99 or has it been permanently deleted?


Hi all, 
          Gonna just tease my upcoming project with this playlist: 
          You’ll get no other hints from me, but my take on World War 1 was a fun place to explore, wasn’t it? 
          Take care, 


Is there any place/way to read 14-99 or has it been permanently deleted?


Hi everyone, 
          The 14-99 world has a new home. Rechristened as Weltkrieg and starting off on a fresh new page, the brand new project can be found here: 
          This is a collaboration between my good friend Luke Anderson and me, with him doing the illustrations and myself writing the dialogue, plot, and researching the historical inspiration. Be sure to follow us on Instagram too. @WeltkriegComic 
          I’ll see you in the trenches, soldier.


Hi friends, after some thinking and offerings of constructive criticism I've decided to rechristen "Nano Age" as "The Glasgow Job", with the overall series being entitled "Promised Land". You'll get the significance of the nomenclature if you read the story. The reasoning behind this decision is because I recently learned that the wildly-talented cyberpunk author Neal Stephenson wrote a book called "Diamond Age" and I want to avoid confusion. Unfortunately, the cover will probably remain the same until I can get my brother to draw up another one. I apologize for the slightly jarring inconsistency but I'm sure we'll have it cleared up. Finally, I am penning a sequel to Glasgow Job that will take readers into a contemporarily relevant conflict of ideologies, with a new cast of characters including a new narrator, as well as returning old ones. That's all for now, thanks for your continued support!


Wherever I'm going next will probably not see the light of day for quite some time, when I started on it a few days ago it was far too acidic and the parallels to my real life that could possibly be drawn would be found to be objectionable and offensive to certain people close to me. What I can tell you is I'm on something of a surreal horror binge and I've been doing pretty much around the clock reading on Junji Ito, HP Lovecraft (that guy keeps popping up here), and Stephen King, specifically The Stand. However, it needs to be retooled until it's in a state where no one close to me takes it as a screed or a damning piece disguised as fiction. Please know that should this project surface eventually (hopefully) my intention is not to use it as a vehicle to represent my own views. It is a dark inversion of reality and doesn't reflect the way I feel about my family, it's more of a "darkest timeline"


All 4 acts of Nano Age are now polished enough that I believe they're suitable for the public. Enjoy. I'll admit I go a little over-the-top into HR Giger/Trent Reznor/David Lynch techno-horror in the last few chapters, but I think it serves as a nice representation of the underlying message of the story: the madness humanity will dissolve into in the possible apocalyptic future where we have openly destroyed and defied nature and have begun to worship machines as our one true goal. This book is, at the end of the day, a half-satirical cautionary tale about the dangers of machines set against a kind of dirty, flashy punk rock apocalypse backdrop. If that's what you're into, I hope you enjoy. If that's NOT what you're into, my aim is to make you a believer.


I hope people are enjoying Nano Age. Almost 3 years of my life went into this universe. It's seen me through good times and bad. The music, film and other media that influenced the shape of the NA universe and its poisonous, neon-hued mechanical soul are collectively sources which I owe a great many thanks to. May you enjoy this quirky, violent punk rock technothriller.


One of the big things I ask myself while writing 14-99 is how some of the iconic 20th century personalities would look against the backdrop of an alternate history of perpetual war. I'm not sure how many of you picked up on it, but there was a subtle joke about this in the first story where Lexi is listening to a David Bowie song on a gramophone. 
          For Western Front, because it's going to be partially focused on expanding the universe further and showing us some inside looks at how the world of the Century War functions in addition to continuing the narrative about the war itself and Dunwich's pilgrimage to try and bring peace to the land, there are probably going to be more joking what-if nods like this within the narrative. I've just polished one off now, for instance. This one is a bit less subtle, though.


I'm excited to announce that I'm developing an intriguing new universe alongside another creative mind. We were very inspired by the Cold War era, the Space Race, and movies like Aliens.


@MichaelKirwin Think more what would happen if tensions got too great and a nuclear exchange forced people to invest more into space travel ;)


Had a dream recently where the aliens in Dark Star came back to Earth and...caused a lot of trouble. I have some cool ideas for expanding on that, but I've got a little too much in my back log right now. I'm gonna write a few more segments for Singularity and 14-99 WF and then I'm gonna get to work on this reboot. 
          Yes, reboot. The original had a pretty definitive ending. So, we're not looking at a sequel, but more of a spiritual successor. You're still gonna see the idea of a four-person RPG party of three misguided youth and an older mentor figure who all have special powers working their way through a mystery that has to do with some alien horror stuff, but it won't be the SAME RPG party. 
          All aboard the hype train where I'm the conductor