I promise I'm not dead! School, my internship, and work have been taking turns body slamming me every time I think I have a spare moment to write. And then when I actually have time to write, I'm so exhausted that I either don't write at all or write a paragraph at a time, but I promise you, finishing Songbird has been at the top of my list this week. I've actually been writing both of the final chapter simultaneously, and I somehow ended up focusing more on the last chapter, so the last chapter is basically complete and the second to last needs some TLC. Unfortunately, I cannot post the final chapter out of order, but on the bright side, you all will be getting the final two chapters posted at once. As of today, Songbird only needs 2,000 words until it is done. I am going to take a bit of break between Songbird and Skylark, just so I can focus on school a bit more, but don't worry- I am always using my hobbies to procrastinate. I will back to writing sooner rather than later. That, and I think I need a little bit of time to sit back and enjoy my accomplishments. I will be getting Songbird printed as a paper back as soon as it is finished, and I will be getting two copies: one for editing purposes and the other just to have. Like isn't that crazy! I will have a physical copy of my own book. I'm so excited, eek! Anyways, see you guys when I eventually finish this book. Thank you for being patient. :)