
I know a lot of you will be excited, but I have an idea for a chapter of 'The Day After Tomorrow'! So, I don't know when it will be posted, but I'm writing it!


I was thinking about hosting a contest for anyone who is good at making trailers! I'm trying to make one, but I don't know how it's going to turn out, aha! So if you're really good at making trailers and videos, just inbox me! By the way, the chapter might be delayed and uploaded tomorrow. I had a retreat today and could work on it!


sorry I've been a horrible writer lately. My grades have been shit, lately, and I just don't have time to write. I'm writing a chapter today, and I should be done by tomorrow and the day after. Please, be patient. Thank you for being understanding.


I am currently in the process of heavily editing "The Day After Tomorrow", and when I am done with Mercy, I might start picking up on it again! Don't worry, I will not delete the story from, but be reminded that I will change A LOT of things, so when I am done, I suggest that you go back and read it! Thank you! Love you, guys!  -Kristin Xx


I'm sorry for the delay. Recently I had a meltdown, and lately my depression has been worse and worse. I can't find motivation to write, and it's been hard. I'm trying really hard, so thank you to everyone that is patient. Thank you so much.