okay, so firstly. being a victim to someone who used to tell me they would commit/self harm themselves if i don't continue speaking to them or even to manipulate me in different situations at the age of 15, i want to let you all know that most of the people on wattpad, still, are minors. and we often seem to ignore all the signs of blocking or not associating with someone because we are too attached to characters.
when i say that fifteen year old me went through countless sleepless nights to make sure they were okay, i felt so stupid realizing that all this time they could have just been laughing behind the screen and i'd never know. you can /not/ be there for a complete stranger who in most cases lives thousands of miles away. do /not/ deal with people who constantly drain your energy, if they needed help there are multiple ways to deal with self harm rather than pretending to be a kpop idol and harassing people online.
most people also make self harm a part of their character's personality which is so messed up and us, admins, actually get worked up over it.