Utterly random muse here as usual. Lol.
I love when people depict Hari in different ways. All different bhāvas. All different relations and perspectives. It's like that one thing I once heard of, that when many blind people were left alone with an elephant and asked what it seemed like to them, the one holding its trunk said he was like a snake, to the one with his mighty foot he was like a pillar, and so on.
I like when the Shānta bhāva makes you feel at home. The Sākhya one has you spilling all the hidden feelings of your heart. The Dāsya one makes you bow before the supreme emperor, and lo! behold his grandeur, for what could've been better than being at his service? The Vātsalya bhāva makes you coo and want to cradle him close, like how Maa Kaushalya and Maa Yashoda must have (how could they ever really part from your sweet form, lord?). The Mādhurya one makes you feel like a troubled gopi who seeks a glimpse of him, a queen that awaits him after a session of his court. And then he's a mentor too. A father. A mother. A brother. Sometimes all the lines are vague and you're just his.
Him. Hari.
And that's enough, right? How does it matter what form he has taken? He's still yours and will forever be.
That's all hehe. I was struck by the bug of observation again. I love moments like these, which are to be spent in thinking of him alone.