/; s’been a while aha
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/; s’been a while aha
move darling, this is my kill.
you really think i'm scared of a little girl with a knife? you're not that scary, besides, i'm more hungry than you're bloodthirsty so i can tell you whose gonna get the kill.
@CANNIBALDEMONS mmm, yeah — no thanks. on both. I am not leaving and I’ll kill you before you even try to sink those disgusting things you call teeth into me. so I’d def stick with option A, LEAVE.
now, last time i checked, the publishing offices are closed. so why are you here?
oh..so this an armed robbery now. cool, fantastic. what exactly are you looking for?
@REPORTINTEL I am not leaving until I get what I came for. either help me or die in the process of stopping me. it’s your choice really.
"That was a pretty poor performance." For what had seemed like quite the elongated period of time Freddy had spoken not a word to Katherine yet whether that was out of spite, contemplation or blatant anger was far from clear, kruegers head turning to cast eyes ablaze with unbridled fury in the females direction though not before they would allow themselves a moment to linger upon a freshly driven wound, one inflicted by a victim she had been adamant she could handle on her own though one who had, much to her father's anger, bested her by quite the mile. "I'm embarrassed /for/ you. How the hell did you let that happen?"
@kruegerisms //Your writing *mwah* The cry of audible discomfort which would unwillingly slip from Katherine's lips was far from surprising considering the severity of the injury, one Krueger couldn't deny was of vague concern to him despite refusing to vocalise this and though it may have been in his intentions to offer aid towards her discomfort her following statement would prompt him to yank her forwards by her wrist, free hand taking a rough hold upon her chin to ensure he had her attention, visibly irritated by her accusations. "If I hadn't stepped in, you wouldn't have come out alive!" They both knew this was true, though he expected nothing but denial on his daughters part considering not only was she the spitting image of him, but her attitude was just as strikingly similar. in eventually releasing a somewhat heavy sigh as charred features would somewhat soften he'd release her, hand dropping from her face to rest stop hers as eyes would lift from her wound to meet with her own, pausing for a moment as though to study her expression before he'd speak again, this time in a vaguely gentler tone. "You think I /want/ you to get hurt?"
@-Nightmarish- as singed fingers wrapped around her petite wrist, katherine bit down harshly to cease any pained sound that threatened to escape through her lips. unfortunately, the immediate jerk of the limb sent shockwaves up to her shoulder and broke her vow of silence almost immediately; a sharp intake of air being the culprit. as the blood trickled down her arm, the young woman quickly averted her gaze as If ignoring the injury would make his statement any less true. “ it’s nothing more than a flesh wound.. nothing I couldn’t have powered through if you hadn’t interfered when you did.. ” she was lying through her teeth. the wound was much more than what she was playing it off to be but of course she couldn’t let him know that, right? If she were being honest, it hurt like hell and going on with her kill could have made the circumstances much more detrimental than they already were, but allowing her father to know such a fact was absolutely off the table. she made it a point to show him that she was just as powerful as him, possibly even more, and that was the motivation that kept up the flawless facade that she was currently portraying to him. “ I had the bastard cornered, I just needed more time! you’re the one weakening ‘our’ image.. went and ruined a perfectly good plan. ”
@kruegerisms Freddy's losing battle with Jason would only continue to linger as a somewhat crushing weight upon his shoulders, one which brought undead blood to a fierce boil at every mention of his own humiliation at the hands of one he had been foolish enough to entrust though one who had come to overpower him despite failing to possess the upper hand. It was laughable, how he had allowed himself to crumble in the first place let alone to someone who should have posed as nothing more than a minor hindrance hence his visible irritation upon Katherine's mention of his failure. As her voice would raise in heated retaliation against her father's disapproval, callous eyes would quickly narrow in wordless caution towards her presented attitude, moving to advance forwards a few steps though with visible intent to which he would reach out, decayed fingers taking a rough hold upon the blondes wrist to yank it towards him in order to observe the damage, skin streaked with fresh crimson which would consequently drip down the length of her forearm and pool within freddy's palm. "/Clearly/ it's needed." He would proceed to snap, words spat from scarred lips as though they were sour to the taste in reference to Katherines adamancy she wasn't in any need of her father's input. "How does this make us look?" He'd continue, voice low though words hissed through gritted teeth, eyes flitting between the woman's face and her injury. "What...what kind of /image/ does it set? hm? That you can be warded off with a...a goddamn /stick/-? That you're- No, /we're/ nothing more than a minor inconvenience?!"
your hand is... interesting .
@pIayswithfire sorry baby, I’ve got a date next week. it’s now or never and I’m kinda itchin’ to do this NOW.
oh... that doesn't sound fun . i'm not in the mood to be gutted </3 maybe next week ?
;; COMMENT BELOW FOR THINGS finally started watching stranger thingssss,, I’m thinking a stranger things verse kat?? yeeee
Looking cute as always, zaya
@FANGEDFXCK all that sweet talk could really make a girl fall in love, yknow?? or make her suspicious. what’s the favor, babe - — I’m busy.
this is why dad fucking hates you.
@dre4mboy oh really?? it sure doesn’t look like it, you know, with you being up his ass twenty-four seven. “ yes dad, whatever you say dad, you’re the best dad.. blah blah blah” , it’s pathetic.
...fuck you. i don't care. actually never mind, i'm glad he hates me.
@dre4mboy sounds like you’re just mad I’m the “golden” child. despite our differences, you know for a fact dad likes me just a little bit better.
that thing is fucking disgusting . do you ever clean it ?
@killsboys because a classic never goes out of style. duh. and it hasn’t fallen apart yet because I happen to be an excellent engineer. take a closer look - — I’ve completely revamped the origin model.
hm , fuck you . anyway , why do you even use it ? but my main question is how has it not fallen apart yet .
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