
Currently trying to write the next chapter of Red Phantom. I'm on it but it's going a bit slow due to me not being able to focus at home. Gotta find a place!
          You can go check out my dear friend @ttalgittalgi 's stories! She's absolutely amazing at writing and I can inly recommend her stories!!!❤️


@ krystalpigen  ttalgittalgi 


Hello everyone, long time no see eh? I'm trying to start writing again. It's just going slower than I thought it would. Also because of my now long acrylic nails...woops. But I have a lot of ideas. But I think I will need to pause my old one's and then update them when I have the inspiration for them. I hope everyone is well, I myself am though I'm also struggling with some tough things at the moment. But I will do my very best to begin writing again as a hobby :)


@ krystalpigen  all my emojies went away >~< just know there were lots of hearts! ❤️ ^^


@ ttalgittalgi  yup, I might need to get them off soon  must save up for a good nail kit
            And yes! I'm at chapter 3 at the moment, but I'm missing a little, but I think I'll post an intro chapter soon I hope you'll like the characters 


@krystalpigen the struggle of long nails!! 
            Ooohhh but I’m soooo excited for your new ideas! Just go with wherever the inspiration takes you, we’ll wait for the others ^^ 