In the bustling cities of Mumbai and Chandigarh, where the chaos of everyday life echoes in the hearts of its inhabitants, lived two souls destined to collide. Meet Ashiriya, a determined and somewhat grumpy young woman navigating the challenges of college life in Mumbai. On the flip side is Eashvan, the charismatic and ever-smiling sunshine guy hailing from the vibrant city of Chandigarh.
Their paths take an unexpected turn when both colleges decide to send representatives to an adventurous camp nestled in the serene woods. Ashiriya and Eashvan find themselves on opposing teams, thrust into a series of thrilling challenges that push their limits. Eashvan, with his infectious energy, decides to employ a unique strategy – distracting Ashiriya to ensure her team's defeat.
As they embark on this rollercoaster of competitions, a twist of fate leads them astray in the dense woods. The once friendly rivalry evolves into a shared journey of survival, self-discovery, and unexpected companionship. Amidst the holiday hues of the camp, will Ashiriya's grumpy exterior thaw in the warmth of Eashvan's sunshine, or will their differences drive them further apart? Join them on an unforgettable adventure where love blossoms amidst the wilderness and opposing worlds collide in the most unexpected ways.
Hello there people! Here's the link to HOLIDAY HUES don't forget to check it out!