Aww thank you!! but i cant take all the credit for "catch me, my angel" i have only helped to edit so far the real credit goes to the chapter authors. My chapter has yet to be published. But thank you so much!
Honestly though if Dan is happy then let him be. Sure, it was a change most of the phandom wasn't ready for added to a long list of other changes but let Dan be himself.
Hey lookie there. I finally updated the story. Sorry about the wait. I have reasons but i should have gotten this done sooner. Sorry guys. Hope it's a decent chapter. :)
I have somehow managed to lose my pencil pouch which had my flash drive in it. That flash drive had the fourth chapter on it. I will try to retype it as soon as possible if i don't find it. Sorry for the wait those of you actually reading my story.
I will have the new chapter up by this weekend. I know its been like two weeks now and I apologize to those of you who are actually reading the story. Plz don't hate me. :)