
Hello, this is kuanlinable. Author of History Chat, Mantanan (guanho), and Ketuker (Guanlin). I've decided to unpublish "history chat" due to personal reason. Thank you for appreciate my work, and for 82K readers! That was cool experience for an amateur writer. I love every comments you leave (it was made my day when I still in high school) oh- History Chat has been through for 2 years long. Until I graduated from school, haha. I still thinking about going back to write another story but not now. Last, this is hard but I've tried my best, thank you. Special thanks to @salsayeen / @6ODFRIEND my wattpad support system  ccCCOUGH. Bye bye! I will put my twitter username if you still wanna be my mutuals.


Hello, this is kuanlinable. Author of History Chat, Mantanan (guanho), and Ketuker (Guanlin). I've decided to unpublish "history chat" due to personal reason. Thank you for appreciate my work, and for 82K readers! That was cool experience for an amateur writer. I love every comments you leave (it was made my day when I still in high school) oh- History Chat has been through for 2 years long. Until I graduated from school, haha. I still thinking about going back to write another story but not now. Last, this is hard but I've tried my best, thank you. Special thanks to @salsayeen / @6ODFRIEND my wattpad support system  ccCCOUGH. Bye bye! I will put my twitter username if you still wanna be my mutuals.