
hi my fellow friends!
          	Perihal Dia was completed.
          	7 chapters about the girl who have falling in love with the boy that she can't have is really end.
          	last but not least,
          	thank you so much for yall buat mampir ke story pertama gue dan still read untill the end of story ☺️
          	tunggu cerita-cerita gue selanjutnya ya!



hi my fellow friends!
          Perihal Dia was completed.
          7 chapters about the girl who have falling in love with the boy that she can't have is really end.
          last but not least,
          thank you so much for yall buat mampir ke story pertama gue dan still read untill the end of story ☺️
          tunggu cerita-cerita gue selanjutnya ya!


Hai kak Yossi! Salam kenal!
          Berminatkah kakak untuk mampir ke karya sci-fi ku bertajuk distopia yang berjudul "Kolosal"? Jika ya, maka silahkan mampir dan kirim vote serta komentar membangun. Karena apresiasi serta kritik dan saran amat aku butuhkan saat ini. Bantu telur kecil ini untuk berkembang! Amat diharapkan ya kunjungannya. Terimakasih!