
What if I just made a whole ChatGPT generated story rn


I know I’ve been for like a year, sorry, but I’ve got an idea for a book based on that new Netflix show that came out. I won’t say the show yet, cause it’s a surprise, but I’m pretty sure most of y’all have seen it, if not you should totally watch it when I reveal what show it is. Also, I will try to go back to updating my other works when I can, right now I’ve got a very tight schedule with sports and school, but whenever I have the chance I will be updating. Be on the look out for another announcement about the new book, it might be tomorrow, Monday, hell, it could even come out today. I’ve put a lot of thought, kind of, into where I want this book to go, and I hope you guys will like it. Also, can y’all tell that I’ve improved my writing skills by like, 100?