

Hi! If you have some time, try to read my story entitled "Where it all Started". It's the first installment of my first series called, "Way Back Series." Your votes and comments are highly appreciated, thank you and godbless!


BELATED HAPPIEST SIX YEARS TO BTS! Everyone has grown so much these past few years and I just keep getting proud of these seven boys! Wishing all the happiness for you and I hope you get to do all you wanted! 보라해 방탄!  


Oh my goodness I just finished your story "When I Found You" and man, that was awesome!! And I am happy that you joined the JeongIn ship!! ^^ BTW, I am a fan of your stories now and haish, I should not ask this but I am wondering would you do another story of JeongIn after this? Hehe


Hmmm idk yet I don't have any plots in mind so far hehe. Sorry to disappoint you! But I'll probably think of something soon hahahah


@sci_zen94 Ohh hello there! Omg thank you so much! Yep yep im happy as well hahahaha. Oh why thank you again! It's my pleasure. 