katie | 25 | uk
all works cross-posted on my tumblr [keepingupwiththeparkers]
  • ПриєднавсяNovember 24, 2018


Останнє повідомлення
kuwtparkers kuwtparkers Dec 18, 2019 11:42PM
just to let you guys know chapter 11 of sweetener has been updated with an extra 7000 words+! check it out and lemme know what you think - apologies for the sporadic updates, i'm the worst but hopefu...
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Історії від Katie
24 Hours in Room 426 від kuwtparkers
24 Hours in Room 426
24 hours in a hotel room with boyfriend!LHH during OTRA. Smut held together (loosely) by fluff. There's no pl...
Sweetener від kuwtparkers
Okay, so maybe lecture hall proximity and roast calibre weren't the only reasons for your frequent visits to...
12 Days of Christmas. від kuwtparkers
12 Days of Christmas.
12 stories, 12 snapshots of one relationship in the run up to Christmas. Some fluff, some smut, lots of cozy...