You may have read this on my recent authors note of The Flash but I have decided to post it on my conversation wall as well. It's for those who don't have The Flash in their library but follow my account. Or are looking through my account. ---- Hello, Mel or otherwise known as "kvoxxq" here. So, I want to get straight to the point and I do encourage everybody to read this. As you all may be aware, on June 11th 2016, Christina Victoria Grimmie was taken from us. She greeted her killer with "open arms for a hug" and was shot. Not many of you know this but I've looked up to Christina as a very huge inspiration for years. Back in the early years of her YouTube carrier. So, her death took - and still is - a very big toll on me. I'm still deeply upset about all this and trying to move on is still hard. You see, I was supposed to see her along side Before You Exit on the 17th, which is this Friday but they cancelled, for good intentions may I add. I wont ever get the chance to say thank you to her for everything that she's done for me. I miss my Angel so much, it's unbearable. She's taught me a whole lot about positivity and happiness. My point is ... Don't take anyone or anything for granted because it can be taken away from you in heartbeat just like how Christina was taken away from her family, friends, and Team Grimmie. My other point is, don't be mean to anyone please. Spread love and kindness. Our World is becoming more dangerous by the second, we can't waste our time drowning in negative thoughts. (1/2)

(2/2) I also want to give the greatest thank you to my other source of happiness, Connor McDonough. He saved many other lives that night while risking his own and I couldn't be more thankful for him. And a huge thank you to Mark Grimmie, he tackled the killer before he could hurt anyone else and that's amazing. He's truly a hero. Rest Easy my angel. See you soon. I hope your singing up in the clouds. - Mel. Team Grimmie, forever & always. ---- Quick side note: I want to dedicate my two future books, MixTapes & Bibliophilia to Christina Victoria Grimmie. I want to dedicate my entire writing carrier to her, she always wanted people to do what they love. I also would like to dedicate my love and condolences to the victims of Lebanon, the Orlando shootings, Coney Island, and to the Grimmie family, friends, & team. ---- Updates will resume tonight. I apologize for not updating the past week ... it's been way to hard for me. I'll try my best to get an update out tonight.