
Hey my kittens im so proud of myself and you guys for making me feel like im doing somthimg i love comment down below my wonderful kittens_Meownificent 


@KawiiLazyOtaku Well, that was petty to say coming from an otaku. Or anyone. Like seriously, was that necessary? No. If someone likes an anime you don't like, doesn't mean you can go on an cuss them out. And, who gave you the liberty to say anything so rude like that? No one. So if you would please, delete this comment, because this also makes you look bad. Not that you would care, because I can clearly see you are an uneducated person that feels the need to speak their mind whenever they want to and doesn't care what other people say. 
          PS I'm not necessarily defending anyone, just proving a point so maybe you would be quiet if you don't have anything nice to say; and I'm also just speaking on behalf of everyone with common sense, and especially @kwaiikitten who doesn't deserve to be trashed like this. Have a good day.


Thanks for the follow 


@KaWhyPandaWrites again no problem
            Have a Meownifisent day


@KaWhyPandaWrites well thanks im glad to know there are a good handful of nice peopleout there


@KaWhyPandaWrites oh, I was just looking around spotted yours and just followed you 2 be nice


Hey!Let's help @kwaiikitten get to 200 followers!❤⭕▫⭕


@LittleRedAngel101 YAY!!!!!!!*passes out from excitment*