
          	Thank you so much. I really like your work and you seem like a super cool person, so of course I'm gonna follow you!! Although I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm more awesome than Prussia, but I'll take it!


@kwfishy00 Aww!!! You have to be the sweetest person I've ever met and for the record, you are twice as awesome as America, Denmark, and Prussia combined.


Hi, I am new and your nalu story is very fun to read. As a fellow reader, is there some tips that you know i can use? 


Aw, thank you! I am very glad that you think so!! But I assume you mean as a fellow writer, opposed to reader. So for tips on writing I always start with something basic. Like a very cliche idea that I can build off of and make that my base. Once I have planned out the idea more I go back to the basic thing I started with and beef it out. For example, the Nalu Cinderella story. I started by making Lucy Cinderella and Natsu as Prince Charming. From there I made some tweaks to the basic Cinderella story that I thought would help progress the story further. As for then writing down that idea I just try my best to chose strong descriptive words. I also can only write if I feel inspired so I find shows, music, stuff like that that helps me get in the writing mood. So I hope that helps you....


Sorry just got the messeage now ^w^/ just finish another book! Oh and my first language is tagalog/aka from the Philippines :3 , tho i REALLY wish my first language is Japanese so i dont have to wait for updates in my manga..... off topic there but yas ^&^ the more u know Xd, another fact, since im doing this anyway, is that i L♡VE GALE and princess type fanfics! SPECIALLY YOURS(\ >W<)/


Hehe, that's what everyone says. I happen to think that my writing isn't great which is good cause then it means I can improve. But I'll keep going on my GALE story and I'll make sure that you'll be the first to know when it's out. ^_^


@AnIme-XoX-LoVer i agree witg your step dad! You r not trash nor is your books! Also i cant wait for your gale addition ^0^ LOVE GALE 


@AnIme-XoX-LoVer You're fine, no need to apologize. Also I used to have a really good friend that is from the Philippines, and I find that language to be pretty cool sounding. But I also wish Japanese was my first language so I could go there and enjoy the original animes....even if that is off topic, it's a good off topic course. ^^ I also love GALE and I'm, slowly, working on a Beauty and the Beast fanfic for the two of them....but I've been finding it hard to write decently for it, and where I'm gonna take it....we'll see! XD But thanks so much for liking my "trash". (Sorry I call all my stories trash...cause I'm trash...although my step-dad banned me from saying that about myself....) So it means a lot to me that you like it! ^^ I really do my best. ^W^


          Thank you so much. I really like your work and you seem like a super cool person, so of course I'm gonna follow you!! Although I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm more awesome than Prussia, but I'll take it!


@kwfishy00 Aww!!! You have to be the sweetest person I've ever met and for the record, you are twice as awesome as America, Denmark, and Prussia combined.