
There's one thing I want to add,
          	the reason why I deleted all my mha fanfics, it's not because I dislike mha, it's because I want to make a good storyline without any plotholes mha fanfics, better than the ones I wrote. Maybe, someday I'll make mha fanfic(it's either bkdk or tmdk or etc). I hope so cuz I know in the future will be very busy. And I hope by that time comes, I'll be confident and proud with my works!


There's one thing I want to add,
          the reason why I deleted all my mha fanfics, it's not because I dislike mha, it's because I want to make a good storyline without any plotholes mha fanfics, better than the ones I wrote. Maybe, someday I'll make mha fanfic(it's either bkdk or tmdk or etc). I hope so cuz I know in the future will be very busy. And I hope by that time comes, I'll be confident and proud with my works!


@RemiTheCreature You're right about never comparing myself to other writers. I was looking down on myself a lot and had no confidence in my writing at all, i hated myself for that. There was the time that I wished I would stay as a child who unbothered of my writing skill just like back then. But there's nothing to change if I stay the same. That's why I need to let it go and change for better, I want to start over and have my confidence back! Also, it's a selfish of me when I don't think about other writers than myself. You're right, it's not fair to them, and to me. Thank you so much for the comforting and positive message, I really needed that! <3


damnn its been 4 days, 16 followers already unfollowed me and I don't know what was the reasons. But there are 2 reasons that I'd think of,
          First, is it because of my excuses of being away for almost 2 years and haven't updated for a while. Despite that I called it 'pathetic excuses', but it's true that I've been really busy like I have to focus on my study and finishing my schoolworks. I know it's alright to take a rest and write for just one day but it's not enough for me. Compare to other writers, despite that they all busy like me but they still write and update a new chapters every few days. I have someone like that and I'm ashamed to say but I admit that I'm really envious of them. They are so fast and so creative, love their stories a lot. While me? I'm freaking slow and stupid, and I'm aware that my grammar is poor and my writing has a skill issue. 
          Second, is it because I deleted all of my mha fanfics? Honestly, I had so much fun in writing all those despite that my grammar isn't that good. But I still had fun. I want to thanks to all the readers who read my story so far and didn't complain about my grammatical errors. Thank you so much for all your supports and I really really appreciate all that in my heart. But I was too young and known nothing back then. That's why I need to change... 
          Deep down in my heart, I'm sorry for being selfish and for abandoned you for years, I know that you guys had been waiting for years for new updates but in return I disappointed you all in the end. Actually, it hurts me when you unfollowed me because I thought that you guys don't support me anymore. But, I want to tell you all that, I don't care how much followers or viewers I have. As long as you guys enjoying the stories I write and leaves a comments that I want to read your opinions, that's more than enough...
          thank you and I'm sorry again,


Listen, don’t ever apologize for needing a break. It doesn’t matter how long the break was, it was much needed and much deserved. 
            I’m currently taking a break from publicly writing until summertime (maybe), and I’m very unapologetic for it. Because guess what? Life is unpredictable. 
            As for deleting your MHA fanfics, if they aren’t up to par with your standards now that your older and mature, then they need to go. Why? Because they can definitely destroy your self confidence in writing.
            I’ve been on Wattpad since 2014, and one thing I’ve learned is to never compare yourself to other writers and authors. It’s not fair to you, and it’s not fair to them.
            Anyways, focus on the positive, love yourself and your work, and don’t apologize to strangers on the internet. 
            -Remi (who’s inbox is always open)


this message may be offensive
there are lots of things I want to say but I will state 3 things;
          1. I will delete all my mha fanfic, ik you don't have a problem with that but I saw someone still reading that shit like what did you find that interesting with all bunch of grammatical errors. Like stop it, it's so embarrassing, I was 14 when I made that shit. Damn, what the hell is wrong with 14 yrs old me?! I will delete it tomorrow, fr.
          2. About "my demon" and "Awaken star", well, I will not promise you that I can guarantee to finish it. But maybe I will update one chapter or two in the future. BUUUUUT it will take a year later since my motivation isn't with me anymore.
          3. For Irumaxkirio girlies, I was making a process of one shot of Irumaxkirio. I have finished part one but idk when will I release it tho. I promise you that this one I will definitely finish it!
          Soo, idk if I'm planning to post a new story soon or nah. since my imagination runs like a wild lol. 
          alright this is all! Thank you and sorry againn


Thought it's almost done...
          But no...
          It's far from done...
          (NEW STORY - IKIGAI! IKIGAI is a special oneshot for all KirioxIruma readers which it'll be coming in few days!)
          Few scenes more left...
          I can do this...
          *collapse from exhaustion and lack of sleep...*


          I know you guys have a lot of questions right now just like how much I want to tell you everything! But first thing I wanted to say, I'm feeling fine but currently healing from something. Second, I don't want to say every details but, my mom went to the hospital. Yes, you read this right, my biological mother went  to the hospital for a surgery and she was been there for weeks. Fortunately, her surgery went success and got fully recovered. And she's healthy now. Thankfully, she got released from hospital right before my birthday, so we're celebrated my birthday! Not only my birthday but also her birthday! Yes, we're both cancer! But if she didn't make it... I wouldn't celebrate my birthday...
          Before the day my mom released, I was crying... Crying so hard that my anxiety took over me... Do you know? Back then, I almost give up... You know, I'm always thinking about what would happen to my life without my mom... Can I live without her...? Of course, I don't give up because I trust my mom that she can do it, that she's strong! So, that's why I always pray, pray and pray for her...
          I guess, the god listened my desperate wishes... And I felt relieve.
          So after that, I took care my mom, doing all the house chores, and spending time with her, maybe that's why I haven't doing my works at that time, sorry about that
          ANDDDD I have another works which it's more special and I bet that 'My Demon' readers may like? But it'll take a little bit so I'll post it along with new update of 'My Demon'! Oh also, about 'My Demon', I'll change the title cuz the current title doesn't suit with the story plot, so yeah!
          Oh well, for the 'Awaken Star', it'll take awhile to update so yeah sorry...
          And last one! Thank you for all your patiences, I really appreciate it although I don't deserve it! Once again, thank you! Thank you for listening my problems. 


@ kxcchxn03  : D


@Burnt0utCandl3Wxck Thank youuu! My mom is doing well, thank you for asking! 


@ kxcchxn03  Welcome back!! Im happy you're okay and your mom is aswell!! Id love to see you update again.


          First thing first, I would like to apologise for the sudden long delay of the updates because of my family problems... I... I really cannot focus because of 'something' and I always thinking the same thing for a month now and I... I really can't stop.... I'm really anxious right now... And I don't know what to talk and what to do... So, I'll take a rest once again. And I'll update a new chaps when I'm in my mental is stable...
          Thank you for everything and mostly your patience... Thank you.... 


@kxcchxn03 it's ok! Your health is more important! Wishing you a good year/day while on a break! ❤