And here it is, folks. The epilogue to Bouquets of Chocolate:
I genuinely hope that those of you that have been reading along as I've been posting have had the best time following Sammie & Jordie, because I've had the best time writing their story. Thank you for sticking with it, it truly means the world to me.
And for anyone reading now that it's complete, enjoy! It's not much of a roller coaster, but my hope is that it's wholesome and a little healing. Have the best time and thank you so much for picking it up!
And again, mainly, thank you. To all of you, those just reading a chapter here and there, those reading all of it, the few of you that have been reading all the new updates within like a day of being posted, those that like, those that comment, and all of you that are just silent readers.
Thank you to all of you, I can't express how happy every single view, like, and comment makes me <3
Just a quick note, I may be tempted to write bonus chapters for any of my completed stories while I'm not working on anything else, so send me a message or leave a comment somewhere if you have any ideas of what you'd like to see, I might give it a go.
Otherwise, hopefully I'll see you again soon with a new adventure, or even the rewrite of To Share You, who knows ;)
Love, K