Character Reference Page is up! Don't miss out on reading THE ROCKiES before it's taken off Wattpad! This will be turned into a Web Series this summer filming in Colorado! ❤
Character Reference Page is up! Don't miss out on reading THE ROCKiES before it's taken off Wattpad! This will be turned into a Web Series this summer filming in Colorado! ❤
The full season of THE ROCKiES is now available! I'm about to add a character reference page as well, go check it out and leave your feedback before we start filming and it's off of Wattpad..✌
Only one WEBiSODE left of THE ROCKiES! Please leave me some feedback before it's officially a Web Series this summer...Love to hear critiques from other writers! ✌
If you haven't checked out my web series "THE ROCKiES" yet be sure to give it a read and leave your feedback! There are two out of eight webisodes posted so far...✌