


this is my first fanfic so 
          your p. o. v
          OMG I'm so excited you said as you walk down the street with you best friend kyleigh. me too kyleigh said as you both walked to Taco Bell you walked in and couldn't believe you eyes it was kian Lawey and jc caylen eating tacos but you knew they most likely did not want to talk to you so you went and sat down next thing you know you friend kyleigh comes go your table with the food. OMG this food is so good I wouldn't be surprised if it got me pregnant. kyleigh said. as you nodded your head in agreement. you and you friend decide to play truth or dare you go first. truth or dare kyleigh says.truth I say being a you like eaten. OMG yasss I say  a little louder than normal. then it was my turn truth or dare kyleigh dare she says being the brave person she is. OK your Daren's to go over to kian and jc and ask if they would like to sit with us.  OK she said and walked off to get them she sat down at their table both of them eyeing her up and down and likingnthier lips soon enough they come tonight with us.......OHH WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT?...SHOULD I CONTINUE...