
Chapter One of “Roses & Runaway Mates” is up now! Be sure to go check it out and let me know what you think!


Hi guys,
          I want to just apologize for the really long disappearance. I left originally because of school, but lost all of my passwords and have been trying forever to recover my account. Finally, I was able to return today after a few hours of password attempts and recovery.
          Most of you likely have forgotten about my books, but I decided I would repost my original novels until I have the ability to rewrite them. I would like to share my stories with the world. I know they are very mediocre, and I have grown in the past few years, but I simply do not feel I should take everything down if I can't rewrite them right away.
          For those of you who are still here, I just want to thank you for your loyalty. I love every single one of my followers.
          Kylie (formerly Kaori Rose)