
MY LAPTOP IS FINALLY FIXED! Updates will still be slow/possibly nonexistent though.


Hey everyone, my computer has a virus which is why I haven't been writing (plus I've had a busy summer). I LOATHE writing on my phone, but I did a little bit of that so I've had some progress. I still wouldn't expect any updates soon. I'm looking at my laptop now and it appears to be fine as long as I don't go in Safari, so I'm going to try to write a little bit now. I'm going to take my laptop into the Apple Store soon so hopefully that fixes everything. The soonest I can possibly take it in is Thursday, but it's much more likely I'll take it in on Sunday, if not sometime next week. Wish me luck!


I'm going to try to start a creative writing club at my school! You share your work with the other members and get constructive criticism and you can collaborate on a book. I know a few of my friends will join if this happens and they think they know a teacher who will sponsor us. Wish me luck!


The person in charge of after school activities approved of the club the other day!


I finally got a sponsor and we had our first meeting on Thursday!


Family readers, there will probably only be a few chapters and maybe an epilogue left. I have an idea for the ending, but I currently have no idea if I'm going to have a sequel like I planned. I do know that I'm eventually going to have a 1.5 book describing the events before the book with multiple POVs. I haven't started working on the next chapter yet, but I will do my best to start soon.


...I forgot my idea