
Hello everyone who decided to stick around on this pretty much dead Account.
          	You might have noticed that I deleted my old books on here and I also have deleted some older wips as well. The main reason being because they were old and cringe and also in German. I want to reach a higher audience and have been doing all my socials in English, so I will switch my writing to that language as well.
          	I wanna get back into writing and will work on some OC stuff and other Ideas maybe. I can't and won't promise to be 100% active here again, but I will slowly start writing for sure ^^


Hello everyone who decided to stick around on this pretty much dead Account.
          You might have noticed that I deleted my old books on here and I also have deleted some older wips as well. The main reason being because they were old and cringe and also in German. I want to reach a higher audience and have been doing all my socials in English, so I will switch my writing to that language as well.
          I wanna get back into writing and will work on some OC stuff and other Ideas maybe. I can't and won't promise to be 100% active here again, but I will slowly start writing for sure ^^


Kurze Info an alle: ich weiss, dass ich schon seit längerem nicht sehr aktiv bin, obwohl ich mit ein paar Büchern schon angefangen und auch Ideen dazu habe. Aber mir geht es schon seit langem nicht sonderlich gut und dazu kommt im Moment der ganze Druck und Stress wegen Schule, Familie etc. Ich versuche wieder an einem neuem Buch zu arbeiten und das dann auch durchzuziehen
          LG eure Kylee