
i just bought coins with my mums card in accident 


•I viaggi tra le pagine sono appena iniziati! ✨
          Le mie storie sono disponibili ! Romanzi fatti di emozioni intense, momenti di crescita e legami che sfidano il tempo. Se cerchi letture che ti facciano sentire ogni battito del cuore, potrebbero essere perfette per te.
           Leggile e fammi sapere cosa ne pensi! Il tuo supporto è fondamentale e ogni commento, voto o condivisione significa tantissimo per me.♥️ ✨
          •The journeys through the pages have just begun! ✨
          My stories are now available! Novels filled with deep emotions, personal growth, and connections that stand the test of time. If you’re looking for reads that will make you feel every heartbeat, these might be perfect for you.
          Read them and let me know your thoughts! Your support means the world to me, and every comment, vote, or share makes a difference.♥️ ✨


Hey how are you? I hope okay, I saw that you like Harry Styles and if it's Dark style then you should take a look at my story to see what you think about it whether to follow it or not. It's called Fall Again (Delete this if you don't like spam