
New story on my other account! Please check it out! 


All stories on this account have been discontinued, I'm sorry but I wrote them for fun years ago, I've grown as has my writing and my interests. I am however, trying to get into writing again as it is something I love. You can follow my new account @Zeee_S for my new stories once I start posting, I plan on actually finishing those stories. First part of my new story is up, please do check it out!
          Thank you for liking my stories :), I'm sorry to discontinue them


Sorry for posting hate, i apolized and i followed u to say sorry. Friends? I hate having haters on wattpad, i get sad,  don't go on,  don't update,  and lose my 150 following. Im serious, hate makes me break down,  im not good with it. Someome posted hate on my acount, i damn near tried. And i umderstand you may be similar. So im sorry. I, rly am


@NarukoKyuubiMode I was not trying to hate on you, I was just trying to tell you how I felt reading your comment. I don't hate you or anything, you need to be stronger if you're going to cry over internet trolls, they're the stupidest of the bunch. I get you were trying to be helpful, but the way you worded your comment seemed as though you thought you knew everything about writing, which no one does. Again no hate, just my opinion. Stay strong kid, ignore the haters.