so LMAO i genuinely thought i’d been updating my story for a while now. but it seems that turning 19 has made me mentally equivalent to a senior because ya girl hasn’t been hitting PUBLISH THIS WHOLE TIME. genuinely thought no one was reading but i was just that inept. anyways i apologise. i’m gonna revise a lot of my content and hopefully get onto a strict schedule. love y’all xoxo -e.

Finding all my old drafts for my Loki fics and my Kylo fics has ignited a desire to write. I’ve been planning and writing ideas a fair bit — and since I’m a perfectionist I will continue to re write and adapt things until I feel they are exactly that. I love you all. -E.

Trigger Warnings: P*dophilia, R*pe, Kassanovella. In light of recent events, I would like to first of all say if ANYONE was effected or hurt by the one-shot published on AO3, please, feel free to message me. I'm not great at advice, in all honesty, I'm terrible at it -- but I understand that some people truly just need comfort and someone to reassure them. That being said, what was posted was absoutely disgusting. As a survivor myself, I understand hypers*xuality, and certain k*nks existing as a coping mechanism for trauma and a way to feel 'in control again'. However, there is no justifaction for r*pe, or p*dophilia REGARDLESS of a persons history. EVER. The community has undoubtedly become horridly toxic, as many of us are aware. Both fanfiction platforms and stans, (especially those who cannot separate actors and characters and go out of their way to target them) have gotten worse over the last several years -- so much so that is has stained and labelled communities as something many are not. All in all, I will no longer be supporting Kass -- or anyone who defends her use of p*dophilia/r*pe within her one-shots. I love you all, and I hope that you are okay. -E

@vanesadelunaaa exactly!! i can understand her writing a personal story with hardcore themes regarding s*x (specifically CNC) in order for her, or her friend that she wrote it for to cope with their respective trauma. but ageing an already existing character DOWN to a minor, (15), and then posting it publicly?? she KNEW that kind of content isn’t respected and tolerated yet she did it anyway because she “can’t be cancelled”

That’s disappointing asf, she should know better considering her profession. Definitely weird and not something that’s excusable, why couldn’t she just make the character 18, that’s hellaaaaa weird

@vanesadelunaaa I’m not sure WHEN it happened, but it’s started circulating quite recently around this app, and also on other platforms. I think it was a recent one shot, it wasn’t something people dug up and uncovered.

Friendly Reminder: All pronouns are valid. All pronouns are accepted. All identies are welcomed here on my page. And I ever see anyone being anything but that here on this page, I will do everything in my power to deplatform you. People who don't 'conform' (they shouldn't need to abide by a horrid societal standard) to society's disgusting standards have been objectified and ridiculed for FAR too long. People, and minorities have been the subject of hate for FAR too long. If anyone in your life is ever ANYTHING but loving and accepting, always remember that I, and many others cherish and support you regardless of your identity, race, sexuality and expressions. I love you all. <3

BYE lmao i literally forgot to tell y’all I’m writing my stories as we speak because my best friend reminded me that I gotta do it

If y'all haven't already, PLEASE, look up Samuel Kim's music on Youtube. It's literally revised, improved (if even possible) sountracks from ALL of your favorites. Star Wars, MCU, DC, Anime's as well. He has so much on there and its truly the best music to listen to, and write with.

Just heard about Wattpad removing Mature Books. This would include my fics. That being said if anyone is interested in my content I will find another site to post to. Maybe AO3. This is a really annoying situation and I cant believe that it could be happening.

Right, that works. My biggest apologies for the likely spam/confusion and back and forth when it comes to my stories. I recently got my laptop working and a new person came into my life and completely sidetracked me because unfortunately, I am a simp. Ooops. Nevertheless, I have started to officially write AGAIN. I posted the new and improved openings to my story 'To The Stars,' and I have most likely finalised my layout and setup for it. Chapters will come soon as I have already wrote most of them, they just need some improvement. I'm sorry for the wait. I hope you enjoy the new format. <3 Lots of love, -E. xo
