
This is going to be a long one, but I didn’t write this straight away. Although I’ve been supporting BLM over on twitter where there is more stuff getting dug up and posted on it, and I’m really heated.
          We look towards people like the police, or any other people who we look towards for help and seeing them abuse their power like this completely scares the hell out of me. 
          Seeing the man who killed George Floyd have other cases towards his name that has happened throughout the years, and let me tell you, if it was a black person who did all the things Derek Chauvin did, that person would be in prison a lot longer than him, and could possibly end up dead.
          There have been more video showing up of more police abusing their power against people’s who skin colour is similar to mine and darker, and it completely makes me sick to my stomach seeing those videos. Being a witness. Watching them happen through a screen, this breaks my heart and makes me so scared.
          We live in a world that still discriminate against people of colour. I’m proud to be apart of the black community, and I speak for myself when I say that tears came out of my eyes watching how people of colour are still being treated as ‘bad people’ all because of their skin colour. We can not choose our skin colour. We can not choose how we are born. We can not choose what family we go into. We are all humans beings, yet we are all treated differently.
          Black. Lives. Matter. Loves.
          Yes, All lives matter. But people of colour are still not getting the same recognition, and are not being treated fairly.


this message may be offensive
Life is really fragile; if you think about it, all it takes is for one stupid/frustrated/unthinkable move towards another person, and you could kill them like that with whatever weapon possible. I’m not encouraging this behaviour it just that life is really fragile.
            To end someone’s life like that. To hold them in place while he kept on saying, ‘I can’t breathe’ while the rest of the three people stood around and allowed it to happen; it just makes you question the society we live in and how fucked up it is.


Unless you are black or have any black heritage, you will not understand how black people still get treated. You will not understand that our lives are in danger because of our skin colour. You will not understand the amount of looks we would get, the amount of times people of colour would get accused of things, with them trying to prove their innocence and rights only to be slandered by all types of stereotypes.
            I urge you all to use your platform to spread awareness, the list with the amount of how many people of colour have died because of racism is too much. Sign the petitions, please donate if you can, also call the numbers provided. Derek Chauvin has a bail for over $500k. He doesn’t deserve a bail. At all.
            #petition" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> #petition</a>