
drop enhypen and treasure books if your sexy


Hey, you're story is really good!!! Yuna's dad is a dreamer (an artist) and she inherited a lot of his traits, the way she felt her body and mind was acting weird when something was up with wonyoung doing things lol, what I meant is Yuna's father is imaginative, creative and very artistic so its basically connected to spiritual self and that is something that yuna inherited because most of the people (let's apply this in real life) ignore their gift of intuition because they think its just anxiety but it actually what saves them. 
          lol its just a cute detail! 


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hi damn i havent talked here for a long while
          i noticed that some people have been having troubles accessing to flipped so i republished everything on by one, pls lmk if you still have problems 
          i can guarantee a short epilogue will be made soon but theres only a small possibility i can write a full book again. honestly i have a lot of ideas in mind, its just with my shit schedule and responsibilities now i dont think i can manage it as much as i want to
          i can only imagine ghosting a book again ‍ 
          i wrote flipped when i was bored and im still so overwhelmed by the amount of reads know especially when my writing is um bleh


 one by one goddamit 