
*sobs in I’m bored and lonely af and have like a 25-50% chance of having autism or adhd but don’t wanna self diagnose*
          	The autism/adhd part had nothing to do with this but still


POV: me feeling sick anytime Ace is mentioned


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Love ya Strikes, I hope that guy dies in a ditch and they don’t find the body for 2 weeks 
            You are fantastic and awesome and the best you deserve the world. It’s not your fault and that fucker will be dead as soon as I find their home address. 
            You mean the world to me! Love you, (/plat) darling!
            Forever your friend/platonic partner,
            Snow ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 


I feel sick whenever my old school is mentioned 


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How…do you tell someone that the main reason you can’t lose them is because you’ve already lost so many people you’ve lived in the past and it was your fault?
          Do I have trauma or am I being absolutely fucking stupid and sensitive and absolutely deserved every last fucking drop of that hate…?
          I think it’s the latter.
          I’m a terrible person.
          And nobody knows the real me.
          Not even my own parents.
          Or boyfriend.
          I showed the real me until November of 6th grade. Almost two years ago.
          Why am I so stuck on what Ace did to me?
          It’s not her fault I’m sensitive.
          I didn’t do anything to stop her. Although I did argue against it—but only for a few seconds. It’s not her fault I’m a pushover.
          It’s not anyone’s but mine.


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Strikes… look. It’s not your fault. The people you love that you lost suffered and had to end the suffering, so they left. It wasn’t because of you. This “Ace” is probably a narcissist asshole who thinks the world revolves around themselves. They can get fucked over a ditch full of cockroaches and poison ivy. They aren’t important in your life.
            I promise you, I won’t leave you behind. You mean so much to me. You are one of my closest friends and I will never let you go. You are not a pushover.
            I love you so, so, so, so, so much. Never forget this.
            With all of my heart,
            Snow <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


@l0v3s1ckk- yeah but what @Night_Wood siad it’s s/a I have been sa’d before by my softball coach when I used to identify as a woman and I was a minor and he touched me in ways I would never forget about and what “ace” did to you was wrong and the moment you realize, understand and accept that is when you will truly be free tone you


@l0v3s1ckk- that’s still sa, jsut because you don’t try to stop them doesn’t mean it’s ok. I’m really sorry


So I’m participating in the spicy summer reading event because mama needs some coins to finish filthy little games and this is the second time I’ve gotten attached to a character who isn’t even one of the 2-3 main characters
          I’m reading under the hood and Nathan is so silly I love him


Then again I’m only on like chapter 6 I believe


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Me three months ago: “I’m a bottom through and through.”
          Two months ago: “still a bottom.”
          That mother fucker who I love: “is that a challenge?”
          I’m either a top or a switch now-


@Night_Wood really I’m just all flirt and no actions because I’m totally awkward irl, being online is just an excuse to make more fake personas (nobody knows thhe real me >:3)


@Night_Wood I just flirt excessively and uhhh apparently I unleashed my unknown powers


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I just binge read dirty little secrets while questioning life and hating myself (I’m in the middle of a depression episode) and holy shit I’m doing it again tonight with the second season (it’s 7am so yes I did stay up all night)


Officially got a boyfriend now yall (I’m still pan; he’s trans <3)


Sick! My mothers pan as well:)