
The girl you just called fat, she's overdosing on diet pills. The girl you just called ugly, she spends hours putting makeup on hoping pple will like her. The boy you just tripped, he is abused enough at home.
          	"See that man with the ugly scars", he fought for the country.
          	That guy you just make fun of for crying, his mother is dying. You never know what it's like,until you walk a mile in their shoes. 
          	Put this on your page if you are against bullying!
          	Started by @BlackFlashBJ
          	I know 50% will, and 50% won't


The girl you just called fat, she's overdosing on diet pills. The girl you just called ugly, she spends hours putting makeup on hoping pple will like her. The boy you just tripped, he is abused enough at home.
          "See that man with the ugly scars", he fought for the country.
          That guy you just make fun of for crying, his mother is dying. You never know what it's like,until you walk a mile in their shoes. 
          Put this on your page if you are against bullying!
          Started by @BlackFlashBJ
          I know 50% will, and 50% won't


need a hug


@crazy_quokka at least someone has read a message on my board(:<3


@l1ttle_meow  no problem! It's late, but it's here <3


          Ich wollte mich für das Voten meiner Fanfiction: 
          How my Life changed in just one night (Choi San)  
          bedanken. ^^


heyy, gar kein problme^^ 
            das hat jeder autor verdient<3


Danke für den Follow. Wie kams denn?:D


@moamann kein Problem und danke^^


@l1ttle_meow das ist sehr nett von dirrr und alles in butter, kann ich verstehen


@moamann @jisungsgayness hat dich empfohlen also hab ich mal vorbei geschaut und deine story klingt ganz interessant^^ entschuldige nur das ich sie noch nicht lese, ich lese laufende geschichten nicht gerne<:


Hallihallöle, vielen Dank fürs Follow! ^~^✨ Darf ich fragen, was mir die Ehre bereitet hat? :) 


@ l1ttle_meow  Was die Wertschätzung nur steigen lässt :) Dankeschön, du auch ^~^


@Lottilino thxxx aber ich bin nur ehrlich und danke den wünsche ich dir auch^^ bleib gesund(:


heyy my lovely ones<3 
          you don’t have to read this, just letting out some thoughts.. 
          do you know the feeling when you want this one person to be there but they have found a person, you slipped a side and have the feeling you got the “it was one day..“-thing? 
          that‘s exactly how i feel these days.. 
          there’s the other person you have and you smile and you’re happy but then you remember she (the person) left you behind weeks ago and will never be there like before/be there forever.. 
          for these who read this, let me tell you something: 
          even if it‘s hard sometimes there‘s always the sun behind the clouds! 
          you can do it, believe in yourself and when you don’t you can write me(: 
          thanks for reading and..
          i love y‘all<33
          ps: that’s one of the reasons i don’t update my stories these days.. i tried but i needed/need a brake 


@Jisungs-Gayness sorry cutie): still feeling like this tbh-