
h3y Broz.. h4v3nt b33n on h3r3 1n l1k3 for3v3z yo ! 4nd 1 h4v3 ov3r 700 follow3rz !?! th4nkz so much !! 1 w4nn4 follow you 4ll b4ck but th4tz gonn4 t4k3 for3v3z >8[ but 1f you w4nt 4 follow b4ck just t3ll m3 y4ll !! you 4ll 4r3 r4d1c4l 4nd st4y th4t w4y !! 
          	~ Tul1p


So, *blushes* excuse me but I hope you don't mind me asking have you and mituna filled a bucket? That is very rude of me, I'm sorry. But I know that your dancestor Terezi would be mad


hey tula