
Hello guys. I know I've been really inactive for the past time. I sincerely Apologize. My midterm is starting next Monday, and so I wont be able to post as much as I wish. I will still try to get something out! As always, please leave some suggestions in the comment section, I'll be reading every comment and responding aswell! I wish you all a good day/evening/night or whatever time it is for you!:)


Hello guys. I know I've been really inactive for the past time. I sincerely Apologize. My midterm is starting next Monday, and so I wont be able to post as much as I wish. I will still try to get something out! As always, please leave some suggestions in the comment section, I'll be reading every comment and responding aswell! I wish you all a good day/evening/night or whatever time it is for you!:)


Hello guys! I just published my FF and I would highly encourage you to read it! I've been quite stressed but still wanted to publish my first ff! It's not my best but I'm still proud of myself! Please dont be afraid to share or read it! Thank you to everyone in advance!:)


Hello guys and to those who happen to read this. I'm slowly coming up for some ideas for a ff. If you've got a request or an idea please don't hesitate to share with me!:) Thank  you in advance and I wish you day/evening/morning or night is going well.