John sighed and folded his arms, leaning back in the living room chair. “Sherlock, for the last time. Rosie will not care what still of dress she wears as a flower girl,” he told his fiancé as he watched him pace the living room, muttering things about the wedding. He stood up and moved to be in front of him, “love,” he started, grabbing Sherlocks arms to still him, “you’re making me feel dizzy so please stop. The wedding is going to be perfect because I finally get to marry you. We’ll officially be a family. You can adopt Rosie.”

“Sherlock our wedding will be perfect regardless of what colour things are. I know you don’t think it will be, but I can guarantee that it will be,” Johns arms sat across his chest, folded, as he watched Sherlock continue to pace. This wedding would be the death of him if John slipped up and took his eye off Sherlock for a minute. It was almost as bad as a case. “I’m always right,” John beamed proudly, wrapping his arms around Sherlocks waist, “I love you, but you really must calm down before you short circuit that brilliant brain of yours,” he sighed when Sherlock kissed him, closing his eyes contently. “As long as Rosie feels like a princess, she’ll be alright. She loves the attention, you know. Bit like her dramatic father to be,” he shot Sherlock a look, trying to be serious but couldn’t hide the fondness in his eyes. He groaned when Sherlock began pacing again, John was convinced he would be motion sick if Sherlock carried on. “I think we should take a break from planning.”

@adamnedsoldier ... / same tbhwy lol, thank you for this <33 "But it needs to match the colour scheme, John. Our suits match the colour scheme, the flowers match the colour scheme, and if her dress is not perfect then what?" He argued as he paced and ruffled his hair — clearly overwhelmed but too fixated to step away from it. He kept muttering to himself, telling himself what still had to be done and what little time they had. He almost walked into John, recoiled and met his fiancé's eyes. He stilled as was intended, and the contact grounded him. He sighed softly, in relief almost, and nodded. "Alright, yes, you're right. You're absolutely right." He brought his arms up and hugged John, hand on the back of his head and a kiss planted to his forehead, "we can't let her wear a puff shoulder dress because it'll be too much. We can get her a tailor made Elsa dress? Or something like Rapunzel... I know someone who can do that, I have a favour to ask. She'll like that—" he pulled away and started pacing again, going over how they'd manage where Rosie would be going and if she had somewhere to take a nap at the venue.