
this message may be offensive
lmao if it clearly wasn’t obvious enough i don’t use this site anymore.
          	i might delete my account or whatever so someone else can have my @ if they actually use it
          	to make a long fucking story short on god the reason why i don’t use this site anymore is because it’s filled to the brim with incest, fujoshis, and pedophilia shit and i’m tired of seeing it lmao
          	every blue moon i’ll probably be on but goddamn please stop flooding my inbox i’ve had to delete several messages from people i didn’t know and please please PLEASE DO NOT add more conversations to this board. there’s nothing much to add at this point.
          	the times i’ve had have been fun, but i really gotta move on. 
          	wattpad is not my site anymore.
          	i’ll miss my friends, and all that jazz. 
          	like said though, every blue moon.
          	alright, i’m done. peace. 
          	-spring, for most likely the last time


this message may be offensive
lmao if it clearly wasn’t obvious enough i don’t use this site anymore.
          i might delete my account or whatever so someone else can have my @ if they actually use it
          to make a long fucking story short on god the reason why i don’t use this site anymore is because it’s filled to the brim with incest, fujoshis, and pedophilia shit and i’m tired of seeing it lmao
          every blue moon i’ll probably be on but goddamn please stop flooding my inbox i’ve had to delete several messages from people i didn’t know and please please PLEASE DO NOT add more conversations to this board. there’s nothing much to add at this point.
          the times i’ve had have been fun, but i really gotta move on. 
          wattpad is not my site anymore.
          i’ll miss my friends, and all that jazz. 
          like said though, every blue moon.
          alright, i’m done. peace. 
          -spring, for most likely the last time