Hello I just want to say a massive sorry to everyone for being away so long and not updating! Life has been...weird in the past year. I've been wanting to come back here for ages but I lost all of my inspiration and kinda started convincing myself that my writing wasn't good.
(Buckle up, she's long...)
Then last month it was like I'd entered another fuckin world bro. I don't really know how to word this but I will forever and always be thankful to Liam, my heart is heavy I truly believe that he did and said the things he's done, due to substance abuse. Liam before his struggles, would have never. In saying that I 100% am in support of Maya, while also believing that he did what he did, only because of the drugs and alcohol. But that is in no way an excuse. I'm in this weird state of grief where I don't even wanna talk about his death, it's easier for me to avoid it. Just pretend like he's still here and alive so that's what I'm gonna do. It is not me being insensitive or not caring about it at all, but it's just better for me to pretend he's still alive, in my mind❤️