
this message may be offensive
Another thing I've found is so much comfort, even more so than before, in watching happy 1D moments and reading stories about the boys. Looking back and reading about a time when they are all here and happy and healthy. And I've been wanting to continue back with writing for a while, so I want to put out and write some happy 1D universes where I hope you guys can find a little comfort in, as I do❤️‍
          	I have a few new story ideas already, gotta decide which ones are bangers and which ones are duds lol ‍♀️ so if anyone would be interested in hearing them and letting me know which ones are better because I'm indecisive as fuck, let me know! Love yas 


this message may be offensive
The actual fuck??? Why she not working lol


@la281D  ‍♀️, not ♀️ lol


this message may be offensive
Another thing I've found is so much comfort, even more so than before, in watching happy 1D moments and reading stories about the boys. Looking back and reading about a time when they are all here and happy and healthy. And I've been wanting to continue back with writing for a while, so I want to put out and write some happy 1D universes where I hope you guys can find a little comfort in, as I do❤️‍
          I have a few new story ideas already, gotta decide which ones are bangers and which ones are duds lol ‍♀️ so if anyone would be interested in hearing them and letting me know which ones are better because I'm indecisive as fuck, let me know! Love yas 


this message may be offensive
The actual fuck??? Why she not working lol


@la281D  ‍♀️, not ♀️ lol


Hello  I just want to say a massive sorry to everyone for being away so long and not updating! Life has been...weird in the past year. I've been wanting to come back here for ages but I lost all of my inspiration and kinda started convincing myself that my writing wasn't good.
          (Buckle up, she's long...)
          Then last month it was like I'd entered another fuckin world bro. I don't really know how to word this but I will forever and always be thankful to Liam, my heart is heavy I truly believe that he did and said the things he's done, due to substance abuse. Liam before his struggles, would have never. In saying that I 100% am in support of Maya, while also believing that he did what he did, only because of the drugs and alcohol. But that is in no way an excuse. I'm in this weird state of grief where I don't even wanna talk about his death, it's easier for me to avoid it. Just pretend like he's still here and alive so that's what I'm gonna do. It is not me being insensitive or not caring about it at all, but it's just better for me to pretend he's still alive, in my mind❤️ 


Randomly came across one of your books!
          I really love your writing and the way you had sort of made it feel like an interaction between the actual real Lou and Harry!
          I’ve been having a hard time finding good Larry fics lately but yours gave me hope that there are good ones!
          Keep writing! ♥️✨


@la281D omg hiii ♥️ I’m glad it did! 


@PixieMoon28 oh my goodness, thank you so much beautiful, this made my day!




@mcapriel  heyyy! omg I'm so sorry for the late reply! Damn I've been gorn a while. I wish it was  thank you so much, you have no idea, that means sm to me  have an amazing day babes! xx


I love your books, they are very good!
            Have a nice/day!


Okay besties, I didn't really like my original idea for the BDSM book so after many ideas that I didn't really like, I finally came up with one. I've already started writing it and I'm so excited to share it! Thank you for being so patient