
The semester is over!  I’m taking a break, right now, but I will resume writing within the next week. Once this chapter is finished, a chapter will be uploaded!


I’m doing Camp NaNo! I intend to use this to ensure I complete SoLi this month, unless I get really long, good chapters. Honestly, it could’ve been done by now if everything didn’t get so out of wack that gaining control was out of my grasp. Peter and Beast’s story will continue this month! 


Wattpad just did this freaky thing where I posted my msg about the update and it was on someone else’s page. When I went to delete it, it wasn’t “found,” so I closed out of that page, went back, saw it wasn’t there but it is indeed on mine. I hope that little glitch is actually little


I actually updated? Wow, it’s been forever. I had chapter 15 done over a month ago and planned to upload it well before Christmas, but I had to make edits and fill in blanks. Then it was that I couldn’t do it at 2am. So here we are. Ty. 


One day, perhaps I’ll edit SoLi and will actually be able to you the stupid perceived gangs in Northland. The thing about it is that everything is a lie. There’s just just fairly higher percentage of gun violence there than in the city. 


Shiny new idea is really hitting m,me, right now. I *really* want to start developing this script, but my brain, love, and dedication to completing SoLi w/o working on other projects at the time is more important. 
          ImIf the idea is real and good for bits and pieces, I’ll try to get it out so it’s there and I won’t forget, but I won’t give my energy to actually working on it until SoLi is done. It’s too important to me to betray, no matter how much this other thing also means to me.