
Hello! Lately I've been receiving lots of love from my readers, I'm so so grateful of it. Thanks a lot for loving my works❤
          	I'll continue writing with the spirit that you guys gave to me. Mohon doanya juga biar tugas akhir aku lancar jadi bisa sering-sering up. Terima kasih banyak!
          	Semoga ga bosen nungguin aku up ya :")
          	With love,


Hello! Lately I've been receiving lots of love from my readers, I'm so so grateful of it. Thanks a lot for loving my works❤
          I'll continue writing with the spirit that you guys gave to me. Mohon doanya juga biar tugas akhir aku lancar jadi bisa sering-sering up. Terima kasih banyak!
          Semoga ga bosen nungguin aku up ya :")
          With love,