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━ ⌗ ⠂⠄ may I?


    you reek of foolish lies, and yet, with those same lips,      you save those deemed worthy of your attention.    why?


 some people don't deserve the harm they could potentially endure. i am a very powerful man, these decisions — albeit scarcely made, are one of the few things i have complete sovereignty over. i reek of foolish lies, of course. but those lies often save lives.


      the devil..          is not who you think he is,      son of the fallen one.


 i have met the devil. he is exactly who i think he is. i've been in his chambers before. bug fan of his interior design. 


/ psa, my adoringly detested audience — unsolicited drops are NOT welcome unless you're one of my friends. ask permission on my mb before dropping. pls & thnx ♡


            / thank you for asking! ofc you can ♡


━ ⌗ ⠂⠄ may I?


“sicarius,” his voice dripped with icy menace, “i would advise you to choose your next words carefully—-    because they might be your last.”


"then let me say it plainly," voice low, rolling as if fog from the demon's ribcage. no menace, no malice, no mischief. a warning, rather. "get.. the fúck out of my house. i don't want to see you. i don't want to hear you! get out! fúck off, rurik!" 


why were you rummaging through the drawers? thought you said you already brought an extra pair.     or are you hoping to find something more..     interesting?


sicarius smiled softly and shook his head at the other. "i'm talking about you, rurik. i was flirting, this is how people flirt." and he grabbed his pack of cigarettes from the dresser and looked at the other.
                "you really are dim where it comes to this, darling." and his voice was lined with amusement. 


@lacrimabilis      confusion flickered in his eyes, a brief uncertainty cutting through his usual calm. blinking once,      his brow furrowed as rurik tried to make sense of sicarius’ words. was he referring to what he found in the drawer, or..      was he talking about him?
            “you’ve lost me there, sicarius,” rurik finally said, his voice betraying a hint of suspicion, unsure if this was amusement or something more.


the demon watched the other, humming softly as he listened. meeting eyes with the him when he stood beside the demon, sicarius offered a smile. "i'm looking right at it, dear."


i wasn’t   ──  maybe  it  was  a  bad  idea  trusting  you  with  this  information.


    "i'm not asking for your faith, rurik. i'm asking for you to believe me." sicarius nodded, his brows furrowed for a moment. a glimpse into his innermost contemplations. in spite of his fears, of which ruled him as a tyrannical king would smother his subjects, sicarius knew that he would not need to use anything against rurik. or at least, he had hope. which in itself was such a tragic lie.


@lacrimabilis            “putting one’s faith in immortal creatures is never a wise decision, considering not every kind is capable of loyal blood. but i take your words as an oath of truth,”         rurik’s voice carried a hint of uncertainty, though deep down he sensed sicarius would never betray him. despite his personal history with betrayal, he had learned to recognize those who were shallow and incapable of truth.


it's not like you can take it back now, darling. but do rest assured that what you've told me will never reach another's ears. despite what you may believe of me, i'm not plotting your downfall. 


  “  you  could  never  kill  me,      saint.”


the demon threw his spent cigarette aside & stepped it out with the heel of his blood red shoes. "hunting?" amused, the demon shook his head & crossed his arms over his chest. stood in silence, he observed his opponent, his challenger. 
            "you come to my place of work in search of what, hm? to taunt me? to sit, grandiose, upon that wall & think you are capable of what? worrying me?" he chuckled his last words & approached the other, hand extended to offer a cigarette and his lighter. he eyed the other, a glint of mischief in his eyes, but nothing to indicate he was even the slightest bit concerned to see this adversary of his at such a personal venue.


saint? the demon almost laughed. when was he a saint? when did this being begin to think such a ludicrous thing? the demon took a drag of his cigarette - bright orange orb casting light upon his death-like features, illuminating his scarlet hued irises. there they were, atop the rooftop of scarlett's club, atop the embodiment of sin & earthly pleasures. tonight, the demon would see many lose their chance at redemption, he would usher into a hell a new wave of damned souls. all for the delight of his prince, of course. this being, this hunter, that stood before the demon - he fascinated scarlett. somewhere under the haze of drugs & alcohol, the demon felt exuberantly thrilled. it was not the first time he was faced with death or torture, of the promise of such delicious things, but it was the first time in some time that he was willing to let it see him.
            the challenge that leapt as if starving from the darkness seemed to only nourish the thrill of this. the demon offered a smile, dazzling & dizzying. he watched the other move to sit, watched the smile that crept & skulked along his face - challenge awaited & the demon would not let this being down. 


 “you  seemed  louder  last  time.”   his  voice  was  mocking  now,  taunting,  daring  the  other  to  make  a  move.   “tell  me,  what  are  you  waiting  for?  you  came  all  this  way  just  to  stare?”    his  fingers  drummed  lightly  against  the  metal  railing,  the  rhythmic  tapping  matching  the  faint  thrum  of  music  still  seeping  through  the  rooftop  below.  ronan's  gaze  bore  into  the  other,  the  thrill  of  the  encounter  sending  a  shiver  down  his  spine.    “or  maybe  you  think  you're  the  only  one  hunting  tonight.”