
/   cb and specifyyy


ID.  @lacrymosas 
          	  * ╱╱  INTRO PLS


@lacrymosas * ⸝⸝⸝   mayhaps therapeutic or humorous


    are you an angel ?


@lacrymosas  ,
            uhh .. * it wasn’t the most unusual thing he had heard , truthfully . there were at least fifty other people he knew who would have said something way  worse . instead , he chuckles and sits up , *  you ‘re okay . not the worst thing i’ve heard today , honest .  i was just trying to —
            * it ‘s his turn to blab , to run on and on about the failed attempt at hitting on her . don’t you do it , wally — * never mind . thank you for all of your help , doctor lady . sorry for keeping you late . 


@fIashforward    i wish.   i'm tired of being here.   [ that comment shot out of her mouth quicker than she was able to process it,   realizing how wildly inappropriate it was to say.   especially to a stranger.    this type of humor was usually reserved for her closest friends. ]   i'm sorry.   that was crass.   i just meant that—   [ stop blabbing,   she quick to mentally scold herself. ]   your CT scans came back clear.   you should be okay.   if you start feeling any of the symptoms i mentioned earlier,   you should come back to be re-evaluated.


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shit, i'm sorry. she likes to run off. 


@lacrymosas   *   you're a life saver. i'm gonna take her down there, then.


@stolensons    you might want to talk her down to the fourth floor in the peds department.   they have an indoor playground that might help pass the time.


/   cb and specifyyy


ID.  @lacrymosas 
            * ╱╱  INTRO PLS


@lacrymosas * ⸝⸝⸝   mayhaps therapeutic or humorous


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if you’re following me to get me back in my room, you’re shit out of luck


@gunsdrawn    working or not,   you should not be overexerting yourself.   i'd rather help you walk to your room than watch you fall and load you onto a gurney.   [ the slightest movement has her reaching her hand out to catch him,   but she quickly notices something else.   perhaps something considerably worse.   she reaches for one of the small empty buckets from a cart nearby and holds it out in front of him.   from the corner of her eye,   she always spots a nurse that has been watching this moment unfold and ready to jump in if necessary. ]   mr. visceglia?


this message may be offensive
my legs still work just fine.  [ clutching tightly around the pole, he begins his travel back. it wasn't far, which is another embarrassing failure of his. a milk-white reflection casts over the glass he passes, dreariness evident in his features. he can feel it in his bones, weighing him down with every step. black static blurs his vision and for a moment, he stumbles before he catches himself. his mind is light, but his stomach feels too heavy with bile that crawls up his throat  ]  fuck.


it's funny how often we keep running into each other.


@warwills   it's not really a promotion;   it's really the next step in my education before i become a trauma surgeon.   [ how exciting that will be.   she takes some sips of her own drink:  small cappuccino. ]   there's a small party that the staff is hosting for new fellows and residents,   so that should be..   something.   yeah.   so,   what's new with your life?


there we go. * the smile stretched slightly as he set down the mug. he knew the telltale signs of one at work, many he exhibited himself on his worse days. a small and playful glint of his eyes as he looked back up. * that's not the kind of promotion you let pass you by. any chance to celebrate, or has the work already taken over?


@warwills   matthew,   [ deniz repeats,   the name spilling from her lips,   soft and slow,   as though testing its weight.   she returns a closed smile,   one that's weak in nature but genuine nonetheless—no doubt a result from another grueling night in the ER.   it would take a while for her to get used to calling him by his first name. ]   i'm okay,   thanks for asking.   [ small talk was never really her thing and yet,   here she was trying. ]   i believe the last time we ran into each other i was a surgical resident.   i'm a trauma fellow now.


/   i'm gonna try to get to all responses,   but there might be some delay because i got sick  </3


/  oh naur!  ):  pls feel better soon!!  sending you lots of love and healing hugs  <333 


───   〝 i   missed   you,   y'know. 〟


@SRGEANT    just three words.   three words was enough to render her speechless.   it was unexpected and unprompted,   occurring right in the middle of a private cooking lesson hosted by the trauma fellow.   it was as though time stuttered and slowed,   each syllable finding its place in the crevices of her heart.   a twinge of guilt tightened in her chest,   forcing deniz to pull her gaze down and away from him to look at the vegetables she was mincing.   she had her reasons to keep her distance—arguably *reasonable* reasons.   and still,   she felt some sense of guilt.   why?
            “me too,”   her gaze finally lifting from the cutting board to look at him again.   that's as much as she'll admit to.  “i didn't mean to worry you.”


Emma sat post the surgical suite, recovering in the hospital from one of her company buildings falling on her. It was labeled an anti-mutant terrorist attack && there were many people who died in the subsequent explosion. Emma wasn't aware of such a thing as she'd fallen in and out of consciousness. 
          There were various people milling about, medical professionals, and from the pain within her side she knew it to be bruised at the very least - more than likely someone stitches her up when her secondary mutation didn't activate in time. She'd requested from various nurses her things, contacted many a lawyer, && paid generously for her stay. The business mogul requested to see her surgeon && waited for her break expectantly.
          When the other arrived, Emma gave a smile all Hollywood. She was nauseated for hours as being under sedation or bedrest meant one couldn't control their abilities & nightmares in sleep. Things that weren't bolted down levitated. Still, she managed to remain calm and fished out her phone.