
I apologize for the looong period of inactivity! I am such trash, I honestly forgot that anything outside of school existed for a little while. The college transition has been wild. BUT I am writing again, though on different stuff... honestly I'm so scattered. If you're following a story that I haven't updated in months... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
          	Anyway, I may have another publication coming out in the next year or so, depending on how much time I get to revise and if I can get an agent to actually notice me.
          	Notice me Senpai.
          	My art has received decidedly more attention than my writing lately, so if you want to take a look at that, my Deviantart is fully updated! The username there is the same as the username here, ladcat13. Hmu!


I apologize for the looong period of inactivity! I am such trash, I honestly forgot that anything outside of school existed for a little while. The college transition has been wild. BUT I am writing again, though on different stuff... honestly I'm so scattered. If you're following a story that I haven't updated in months... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
          Anyway, I may have another publication coming out in the next year or so, depending on how much time I get to revise and if I can get an agent to actually notice me.
          Notice me Senpai.
          My art has received decidedly more attention than my writing lately, so if you want to take a look at that, my Deviantart is fully updated! The username there is the same as the username here, ladcat13. Hmu!


          The Violet Wars is published! Now, unfortunately, I'm a jerk, so the story is no longer posted up here- just a couple of teaser chapters. For full explanation, see Teaser Chapter 7. But I just thought that anyone who was reading it would like to know that it's finished, it's out, and you can buy it if you like!


Well, there she be. Apologies for probably spamming your mailboxes. It took me awhile to get my sh*t together, but there are all the new chapters. Unfortunately I haven't gotten much more editing done since I was last active (I'm sure you got plenty of notifications while I was doing that, because God knows I updated more than ten chapters). I'm going through one of those periods of manic activity and I'm just going to keep on writing new stuff until it peters out. Then I'll go back to editing and the like. Until then, enjoy!


Ugh so sorry it's taking so long to post the next chapters. I have chapter thirteen done, but I can't post it until I'm finished with fourteen for plot reasons. I've also been meaning to go through and update all the previous chapters, which have gone through a little editing and polishing up. So when I finally get the time, I promise I'll go through and fix everything in one fell swoop. Until then, thank you for your patience, everyone!