
Merry Christmas Everyone! And happy holidays to everyone else who doesn’t celebrate anyways!  


Shout Out to Petgirl333. They have voted for like half of my one shots and I honestly didn’t know they were worth it. Thank you all for helping reach the 1k mark on BOTH of my stories. Thanks so much you guys y’all are the best.


Y’all just a weird call out. I’m Christian but I do enjoy the topic of Greek Mythology and recently in the past like 2 months I’m hooked on the Odyssey! It’s in my bio. You guys should try to watch Epic The Musical. It’s on YouTube, and is created by Jorge (Hore hey). The first song is The Horse and the Infant. It’s a great musical and there are many different animatics to these songs. It’s just so cool and great to learn about through songs. You’ll learn to like it it’s cool.


Soooooooo! I have been having issues with my ipad on which i normally write and read on and by issues i mean the charger broke inside the portand is now drained of juice so its dead and currently unopporatable. So now i can only have wattpad on my computer here. So this means that posting stuff will be much slower until i get the ipad repaired or we get a new one. And i just have one thing to say to Apple....... PLZ just save us all the hassle and include FREE WIRELESS CHARGING things so we can avoid these issues.


But thx for the advice anyways 


Too late we just got a new ipad


Oh no! That really sucks. But maybe you can get it out? This happened to my phone once, and my mom just pulled it out with a pair of tweezers. But if that don’t work, I can help you familiarize yourself with the computer! I used to write on my phone but now I do it on my computer, and for me it works great!