and it’s terrifying. i wasn’t born, barely in my mother’s womb, but it is so so terrible. on tv, it is continously mentioned. on the radio, you’ll hear of its impact. and so so many injuries were caused, so so many loved ones gone.
some have no clue of what has happened to a past/once current co-worker, friend, family member, or anyone. 40% of the world trend center victims are still unidentified to this very day.
to all those who were victims, and survived; to all those who have died; to all those families, and friends, and co-workers, and others who were close to victims: may you never be forgotten, i truly hope that wherever you are, you'll find solace. there’ll always be a spot reserved for you in my heart.
to all those heros, including fire fighters and police officers, and doctors, and nurses, and common folk, whether they had survived or not; thank you, you did great. you will always have a spot in my heart.
bri, two decades later after such disaster.