
it's been such a shitty day.


so. i got some friendship drama. trying to figure out how to change seats so i dont nesseccarily run into them,, bc theyre fake fuckers and yeah.
          i feel so?? excluded?? in my new sort of group?? like. theyre. all. friends. &. im. there. but. im. not.


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why do i feel like. idk. like, im cheap texting when i say things like idk, or stfu?? it isn't cheap, it is eXPENSIVE DUMBASS.
          being a dumbass  me


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i forgot we cannot use emojis while using this, & oh shit now that looks extra weird oops


i wasn’t born. 
          not even in my mother’s womb yet, the twin towers fell. “the twin towers’ weren’t apart of any government source,” i thought to myself yesterday, while my history teacher spoke of 9/11. “the twin towers had many private companies operating it. the terrorists were attacking our economic wealth,” my history teacher remarked.
          the pentagon had a plane crashed into its headquarters; an aircraft planned hijack, unlike the others, had gone wrong, and all passengers onboard were left dead. they were heros.
          a group hijacked planes. four, in total. they despised the country itself. families couldn’t call each other. the government asked the companies to shut off the mere ability the phones back then had: to call, and text. all of this in fear said group would use phones to plan more, and more, attacks. 
          families and friends had no clue if their loved ones were safe.
          US troops had begun to leave afghanistan after so so long. i do not know of all the details, but i do know this: the group orginated in said country. within the aftermaths of a dreadful attack twenty years ago ─ the troops have just left recently. 
          the aftermaths linger. school talks, assignments in first grade, the injuries, the heros, the victims to such awful incident, the trauma ─ the everything. it lingers.
          [continue in replies.]


and it’s terrifying. i wasn’t born, barely in my mother’s womb, but it is so so terrible. on tv, it is continously mentioned. on the radio, you’ll hear of its impact. and so so many injuries were caused, so so many loved ones gone.
            some have no clue of what has happened to a past/once current co-worker, friend, family member, or anyone. 40% of the world trend center victims are still unidentified to this very day. 
            to all those who were victims, and survived; to all those who have died; to all those families, and friends, and co-workers, and others who were close to victims: may you never be forgotten, i truly hope that wherever you are, you'll find solace. there’ll always be a spot reserved for you in my heart.
            to all those heros, including fire fighters and police officers, and doctors, and nurses, and common folk, whether they had survived or not; thank you, you did great. you will always have a spot in my heart.
            bri, two decades later after such disaster.