Hello to you too, you awesome, fantabulously gorgeous person! It is nice meeting you as well. Since you have been snooping, here are some things about me;
❄ I am a romantic at heart.
❄ I love erotica, romance and paranormal/supernatural genres, although I am open to trying new things and have enjoyed tons of stories from other genres.
❄ I love animals, especially babies. Baby animals that is, but I do adore little humans as well.
❄ My hobbies include swimming, reading, cooking, dancing and horseback riding.
❄ l love nature and summer. Do hate the bugs though, those pesky pests just don't do it for me.
❄ l hate the cold (and livin' in Canada, this is what I get for 6-7 months) and adore warmth (although I LOATHE humidity, um.... I mean excuse me? Frizzies people!).
❄ I am the Queen of Procrastination (I mean, which teen isn't?). I thrive on the adrenaline rush I get trying to finish stuff last minute.
❄ I am an aspiring author, but I dont want to post any chapters until I'm almost finished one of my stories.
❄ I love making friends and talking to people, so drop in anytime :)

And if anyone was wondering:
I don't ride a sled pulled by huskies or live in an igloo.
I don't put maple syrup on everything I eat (although that is very tempting).
I don't eat poutine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
I don't keep a beaver as a pet.
  • Toronto, Canada eh?
  • JoinedMarch 28, 2013

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