
Howdy everyone! I just completed and published my second Lord of the Rings fanfiction! Please go check it out!


Thanks for adding "Lady Amalia: The Almost Queen" to your reading list and for the votes you've left so far. I hope you're loving it! And I'd love to hear any comments you have! 
          I also hope you'll consider reading the rest of the stories in the series! Neva’s story is only the beginning, after all! 
          Thanks again! 
          Happy Reading,


Thank you for all your votes on Lacuna and adding it to your best books list! Can't tell you how much it means❤️


Oh darlin I needed some good bucky vibes and I found them there! I'm trying my hand at my own Bucky fic and I loved your approach to his mentality. Beautifully written (and I read it in one sitting :p) !!