
It's crazy how even after all this time, I look at the boystory tag, and one of my stories is still very high up. Love ya'll <3


Not me making a kpop cover group thing that desperately needs to find 2 more members in 3 days, but I can't find those members 


@lovezeyuboystoryxbts a kpop cover group, we're called Little Planets and we just need one more member, a Vocalist.


Number One- I am sorry for not being very active and not having as frequent updates as I used to. I was distracted and procrastinating, nothing is really wrong. I promise that I'll get back in the swing of frequent updates with my next story.
          Number Two- If you like Hamilton, even if you haven't been a fan since 2015, Auditions for the Hamilton I'll be doing is up on my Instagram ( @_oof_1_3 ) Burr is already taken by yours truly, but all of the other roles are up for grabs. Just send me you singing and the name of the person you're auditioning for and I'll let you know who you've been casted as. I'm not very popular so you'll probably very easily be casted as the person you wanna be.