
@Ffdhdy1243125 i’m gonna make a lot of points okay, so make sure you have your reading glasses on xx point number one go live your life. i don’t know how old you are but it’s actually embarrassing to see you roleplaying with your little asterisks on a wattpad book. point number two yeah i’m still arguing  about a comment that’s old because it’s so old and the author still refuses to listen even after so long. point number three you should either stay in school or take school again, because not being able to spell nor read big paragraphs is worrying babe xx


@Ffdhdy1243125 you were on a she ra x male reader book making shitty jokes while i was having an argument with people. 


@ladyopheus  Im sorry who are you?


First of all, I never remember questioning your sexuality or anything like that. First of all, I never remember saying anything about your sexuality. Second, if this is for a She-Ra fanfic, I'm referring to characters from that series, therefore I never I have referred to you and secondly I ask something here that it is more mature to think that someone is questioning sexuality or to get angry because some people who did not even exist or will not even exist have changed their sexuality because here there could easily be a new restart to a few years where they can they change their sexualities again, thirdly I am not going to say anything about your life or how things are going for you because in reality I know absolutely nothing about that, apart from do not feel so special for being a lesbian because you are not It's not the first and you won't be the last, it's more I have lesbian friends I also know it's not an easy life and you're right about something I don't know what it feels like, I'm not telling you that you have to change your tastes because I'm nobody to tell you that And if you feel so compared to or so identified with cartoons, I recommend you see professional help because it is not normal not to know how to differentiate fantasy from reality and if you are going to continue returning messages about this saying the same thing, you are wasting time, why am I not going to stay here? argue with someone who just can't understand, thanks


Okay but this is the reboot version correct? If they wanted a straight she ra then they could’ve used the original series. reboots can be a new entirely different show from the original meaning that just because she ra wasn’t gay in the first doesnt give you or anyone the right to change her sexuality in the new one. If a character was given your mental illness and then people pretended or removed that away from the character you wouldn’t like it because not only is it representation it’s also a key character trait to said character. also being original doesn’t give ANYONE the right to remove a character a lesbian, you can make a story about characters without taking away important key traits. stop arguing about something you clearly don’t seem to understand. this reboot is a comply new show from lore to characters and who they like, meaning just because it’s the same characters from the old one doesn’t mean it has to be like the old one.  


@ ladyopheus  In case I wasn't very clear with "partner" I mean romantic interest and by the way being a writer means dreaming and expanding your imagination like the universe itself being original is hard maybe it's something you don't know.  thank you


@ ladyopheus I can understand why you're angry, but if you know the classic She-Ra series from the 80s and 90s, you'll know that Bow and Adora end up being a couple.  Just so you understand how drastic reboots of animated series can be, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, on the contrary, veterans of the series like me like to feel this refreshing breeze and it's possibly what we enjoy the most, plus there are people like me who To date we do not have such positive representations in the world of animation that are mental disorders like mine which is schizophrenia but at the end of the day it is just my personal opinion. Thanks for taking the time to read my answer. I really appreciate it.


@Ffdhdy1243125 i’m gonna make a lot of points okay, so make sure you have your reading glasses on xx point number one go live your life. i don’t know how old you are but it’s actually embarrassing to see you roleplaying with your little asterisks on a wattpad book. point number two yeah i’m still arguing  about a comment that’s old because it’s so old and the author still refuses to listen even after so long. point number three you should either stay in school or take school again, because not being able to spell nor read big paragraphs is worrying babe xx


@Ffdhdy1243125 you were on a she ra x male reader book making shitty jokes while i was having an argument with people. 


@ladyopheus  Im sorry who are you?


this message may be offensive
@marcelo180306 first of i’m replying here because the owner of the book blocked me so <3. second of all it is worth it to me thanks. in this day and age where most people are being raised alongside technology it means that media affects real life just as real life affects media. i’m not gonna see shit that erases my sexuality and ignore my uncomfortably about it. i don’t care if it’s a small or not, i’m gonna say something about it. and i’m sure as hell gonna argue back when men and male assigned people think they have a right to chat to me about what is right and wrong in a situation they sure as hell don’t understand because they’re not a lesbian and will never be one if they continue being men. xx


@Marcelo180306 it’s not the truth though and that’s called ignorance. <3


@ ladyopheus  sorry if i sound like a jerk but that's the truth. by the way I already answered you


@ShotoTodorokithatsme bro not you as a PANSEXUAL MAN defending another MAN about something that concerns lesbians. i don’t doubt you know how it feels when something is homophobic, but this is lesbophobic meaning you wouldn’t know how that feels would you? keep your nose out of it - talking about “ I will stay calm… for now. “ bro 


@Tsnoob hey just wanted to write back because i’ve been blocked lmao. anyway first i just want to say, no clue shoto was pan; i’ve never clicked on their profile so i wouldn’t have a clue?? and no clue you were bi either. but you guys should understand what we as a community go through (you’re literally in it.) like erasure, but you still defend the author?? you wouldn’t like it if a bisexual character was lesbian or straight in a story because it’s wrong and it’s bi erasure. second of all, i will admit i did phrase “ being praised all their life “ wrong but the point i was trying to make is straight people tend to get more positivity in their lives then lgbtq people. (if that makes sense.) third point, the comparison. i’m not actually sure on what you meant by that?? a homophobic person changing a character into a gay character ??  I’m not sure what point you’re making there. (if i said anything about it you’d have to quote me because i don’t have a good memory, and i can’t check back.) fourth point no bisexual nor pansexual can talk about lesbian struggles/problems, and as a lesbian i can’t talk about bi and pan struggles/problems because i’m not bi or pan. but i can only bring awareness to it yknow. so you guys defending the creator when a gay woman has said they don’t like it is just wrong.


@riddlehoe thank you so much for that. i was blocked by the author so i cant comment. but you’re a literal angel ahhhh <333


@TsNoob I get that, but i feel as though changing a straight characters sexuality isn’t just as bad as someone changing the sexuality of a character that’s apart of the lgbtq community. 
            I never said they did?? I said straight people, meaning heterosexual people. That might be my bad for saying straight people, but bisexuals, and pansexual people are bisexual and pansexual not straight. 
            For the fourth point i made, have an example; as a white woman i cannot speak out on poc issues (not sure if that’s the right word or praising, apologies.) but i can bring awareness to it, and support them. and the same goes for lesbian issues (not trying to compare poc struggles, and lgbtq struggles btw.) her, as a lesbian, didn’t like how he was changing canon lesbians to fit his story. (especially since there is bisexual characters: glimmer, mermista, entrapta, bow and sea hawk. why did he have to choose the lesbians specifically??) and then people who weren’t lesbians argued against her, when literally most lesbians on that story didn’t like how he changed them to be bisexual.


@riddlehoe The point I'm trying to make is how hypocritical it is to attack someone for changing the sexuality of a fictional character, the same way a homophobic person complaining about someone for changing the sexuality of a straight person. It's the same situation regardless who's in the right, even though we both know who we are against. 
            "No bisexual nor pansexual can talk about lesbian struggle/problems and as a lesbian I can't talk about bi and pan struggles problems because I'm not bi or pan." Since when has the lgbtq became segregated? What about bi women or pan women? Are you assuming that bi/pan women have more positivity in their life compared to lesbians?
            "Straight people tend to get more positivity in their lives then lgbtq people (if that makes sense)" that isn't fully true, it's very complicated, that it depends on the perspectives of both sides. No group should consider themselves as superior to any other group, that's what equality is supposed to be.
            I understand where she's coming from, but later on in life, the people who think they are in the right and starts attacking  like their oppressors will end up becoming like one.